
Located just 30km from Aachen, in the Eifel region of western Germany, one picturesque village called Monschau should not be missed.
If you are lucky enough to visit Monschau during the winter or in the end of fall, you will see snow above the houses and hills, and this place will seem like coming from a fairytale.
At the end of November I visited Monschau, and it wasn’t snowing at all :(. However, I could enjoy a scenic village with a charming and a typical christmas market.
Monschau is a truly romantic village to relish with your partner, preferably during cold weather. I recommend you to scrool around the Weihnachtsmarkt, to eat german pastries, to drink glue wine, to buy some Monschau mustard and to visite the Red House Museum (a late baroque design house of a upper middle classe from 1760) and the Museum of the stuffed animals (creepy but educative). Monschau is a place to go and relax, without schedules to meet.
On this note, I’m leaving you with this magical pictures taken in Monschau. I hope you will enjoy it! 🙂
Situada a apenas 30 km de Aachen na região Eifel na Alemanha Ocidental, uma aldeia pitoresca chamada Monschau convida a uma visita.Se tiver a oportunidade de visitar esta localidade no inverno ou no final do outono verá a neve a repousar nos telhados das casas e das colinas, e a aldeia parece ter saído de um conto de fadas.
No final de novembro visitei Monschau e infelizmente não estava a nevar :(. Porém, pude desfrutar de uma cénica aldeia com um encantador e típico mercado de Natal.
Monschau é verdadeiramente romântica, ideal para desfrutar com o seu/sua parceiro(a), e preferencialmente durante o tempo frio. Passear pelo Weihnachtsmarkt, saborear doces alemães, beber vinho quente, obter mostarda de Monschau, visitar o Museu Casa Vermelha (casa barroca, de uma classe média-alta de 1760) e o Museu de animais embalsamados (impressionante e educativo), é aquilo que recomendo fazer aqui. É um lugar para visitar e relaxar, sem horários para cumprir.
Neste post, partilho estas mágicas fotos capturadas em Monschau. Espero que goste! 🙂


Red House Museum
Museu Casa Vermelha

It was better than it looks :p The Monschau mustard over the meat was divine.
Era melhor do que parece :p O molho de mostarda sobre a carne estava divinal. 
Stuffed animal
Animal Embalsamado

Carina visited Monschau in November 2016, and this is just her opinion.
Carina visitou Monschau em Novembro de 2016 e esta é, apenas, a sua opinião.



  1. Penguin Avatar

    I will come back to this place, its huge and open, and have really tall ceilings. Wait staff at venue New York was also pretty good. Bartender was awesome and personable. I was really pleased with my party here. Ha! I highly recommend these guys.


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